Sunday, 24 June 2012


A quick trip to Rivington this afternoon to look at the Chinese terraced gardens.  Looking rather overgrown and unloved, they provide the perfect backdrop for an afternoons shooting

Watch your step......

I think that this is one of my favourite shots

Another of my favourites

And these two....

Well as one week ends, another begins.....hopefully some better weather this week and a bit of camera time....

Saturday, 23 June 2012


Another quick update, this months Digital SLR magazine has published one of my photos!!  I entered a competition in May this year (cant remember what the prize was) with a few of my pics. And I had one chosen in the macro category (incredibly proud yet geeky I know)

Anyhoo, this is the pic that was published

Like I said I entered a few pics but no others made, but it shall not deter me.....

Carry on regardless!!  and keep trying

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

It never fails to amaze me

Well here we are again, but this time posting mid-week.  Just a quick one though!  It never fails to amaze me where you can find a really good shot, either in the middle of nowhere or in the middle of a housing estate and industrial area!

Just round the corner from my office in Leeds (affectionately known as the Chatsworth of Leeds, and forever looking out for a Yorkshire Frank Gallagher) I spotted these yesterday, so as I am turning into a bit of a geek (go on say it, I know you want to) I dutifully took my camera with me this morning and got these pics, and yes, I was playing with the colour pop again

Well that is it for now, I shall be keeping the camera close by from now on and keeping my eyes open, because you never know.........

Sunday, 17 June 2012

A trip into the woods with Colour Pop

So, in the infrequent bits of sunshine that we get I decided to go out there today into the woods to see what else the new camera can do...seeing as I have eventually decided to RTFM after having the camera for a good few weeks.

So as I have already tried the Red setting, thought I would see what I could do with the Yellow, green and Blue...

On the way round I spotted a few of these

And the small ruin (could have been a shelter of some description)

A couple of partial colour yellow shots.....need to find a field of rapeseed for the full effect.

Earnsdale reservoir..pretty full after the last week of monsoon style weather

Partial colour red....

And how blue is the sky?!

Partial green...harder that you would think seeing as everything in the damn woods is green!

And a bit more blue, before it disappears for good

Saturday, 9 June 2012

What to do on a rainy day...

So being based in Lancashire, not known for its abundant sunshine it quite often rains, which can put a dampener on a photoshoot I am often stuck inside with the camera.  Here are a few of the pics that I have taken over time from the dining room table.....

The usual standard macro flower shot, did loads of these

Now this is where it gets a little abstract, these pics are close up's of bubbles, just a loop of wire and some washing up liquid required....

Quite psychedelic pictures, I think they would make great wall art.

And seeing as it is now p***ing down again, very heavily, looks like I will be stuck inside again all day, wonder what I can shoot next?! 

Playing with fire

Saw a feature in a magazine a while ago and thought I would give it a go.....

All that is needed is some wire wool, a dog chain and a lighter....oh, and it helps if you are near water...just in case!

And it definitely hurts if you catch yourself with it! 

Friday, 8 June 2012

A couple of portrait shots

So, to show the other aspects of what I shoot, I will add a couple of portrait shots I took of a pair of brothers....The usual rules apply with these two, cant live with each know the rest!

So after much time spent stopping the all out war that generally breaks out between these two I managed to get these shots...

It goes without saying that all necessary permissions have been obtained! 

Some (slightly) older pics

So, as I am on a in started the blog, so I may as well carry on...and the red wine is flowing, I thought I would share a few other pics.

A couple of weeks ago I happened to end up under ground in an old quarry, with the camera of course! This place has not been worked since the late 1800's (and the sheer quantity of ceiling that has ended up on the floor just goes to show!) and in my opinion this just goes to show that you never know what is under your feet....

Anyhoo, a couple of pics for your approval

I should say at this point that the cave in the first pic is pretty dangerous, over the last 100 years or so a hell of a lot of stuff has fallen and is falling still.  Rumour has it that the second cave is haunted, to me it was just bloody dark and very reminiscent of the Mines of Moria.........You shall not pass!!

So I shall move on now to other things....there may be a few more older pics coming as the red wine flows...